日前,现任全国政协常委、民盟中央名誉副主席、北大光华管理学院院长的着名经济学者厉以宁教授,带着为振兴东北老工业基地寻求出路的课题深入东三省考察。并分别在辽宁和吉林作了相关报告,其间见解独到,妙语连珠: “肥水流入外人田” 厉以宁认为,在振兴老工业基地过程中,企业兼并和企业重组是奎关重要的一步。他提出,企业兼并、重组不是让利、吃亏,是共享更大的利润。他诙谐地说,现在社会是开放的社会,肥水流入外人田,外人才
Recently, the current Standing Committee member of the CPPCC National Committee, the Central Committee of the Democratic League honorary chairman of Peking University Guanghua School of Management, a famous economist Professor Li Yining, with the revitalization of northeast old industrial base to find a way out in-depth study of the three provinces in Northeast. And made relevant reports respectively in Liaoning and Jilin. During this period, the opinions were unique and the witty remark lingered: “Fertility flows into outsiders” Li Yining believes that mergers and reorganizations of enterprises are an important step in the process of rejuvenating the old industrial bases. He proposed that enterprise mergers and reorganizations are not profit-sharing and loss-making, but share more profits. He jocularly said that now society is an open society, fertilizer and water flow to outsiders Tian, outside talent