老子的《道德经》一向被视作道家经典,先后出现过很多译本。本文选取Arthur Waley的译本为分析样本,具体运用奈达的“功能对等”理论对译本进行分析,主要探讨了译本中误译错译的情况,指出功能对等的实现一定要建立在对词语、句子结构和民族文化深刻理解的基础上。
Lao Zi’s “moral classics” has always been regarded as Taoist classics, there have been many translations. In this paper, Arthur Waley’s translation is chosen as the analysis sample, and Nida’s “functional equivalence” theory is used to analyze the translation, which mainly discusses the mistranslation and mistranslation in the translation, pointing out that the realization of functional equivalence must be based on the analysis of words , Sentence structure and profound understanding of national culture.