目的 通过对 5 0例新生儿肺炎的回顾 ,分析新生儿肺炎的病因。方法 根据新生儿肺炎病例的发病时间、围产高危因素、分娩方式及辅助检查等诸多因素 ,分析其发病原因。结果 新生儿肺炎在出生后 3d以内发病者占 74%;有围产高危因素占74%;羊水因素、脐带异常、出生窒息及胎膜早破等较为突出 ;全组顺产与剖宫产出生者发病率无显著性差异。全组中外周血白细胞部数升高者 3 4例 ,占 68%。结论 新生儿肺炎以吸入性、产前及产时感染性肺炎占多数。病原以细菌感染为主。对新生儿肺炎的病因及其危害性必须进一步提高认识 ,加强围产期保健 ,积极预防 ,早期诊治 ,从而降低新生儿肺炎的发病率和死亡率
Objective To review the causes of neonatal pneumonia by reviewing 50 cases of neonatal pneumonia. Methods According to the incidence of neonatal pneumonia cases, the risk factors of perinatal delivery, delivery methods and laboratory tests and many other factors, analysis of its causes. Results The incidence of neonatal pneumonia was 74% within 3 days after birth; the risk of perinatal was 74%; the amniotic fluid factors, umbilical cord abnormalities, birth asphyxia and premature rupture of membranes were all prominent; No significant difference in incidence. The whole group of peripheral blood leukocytes increased in 34 cases, accounting for 68%. Conclusions Neonatal pneumonia is inhalable, and prenatal and postpartum pneumoconiosis accounts for the majority. The main pathogen is bacterial infection. Neonatal pneumonia, the etiology and its harmfulness must be further enhanced awareness, strengthen perinatal care, active prevention, early diagnosis and treatment, thus reducing the incidence of neonatal pneumonia and mortality