第一次拨打IP电话,是用吉通IP电话卡,拨给一位在美国多年末见的老友。同学朋友多年,虽别离天涯,思念之情与日俱增,却从未敢试试昂贵的越洋电话。因为未告诉对方这是IP电话,同学也没有感觉出与普通电话有什么差异,高兴之时,担心不已:“这是越洋电话,很贵的,很贵的啊!”通话五分钟,花费只有20元,感觉还能接受。如果是传统电话,话费要80元左右了,的确让人不敢轻易问津。 IP电话结束了普通中国人不敢消费越洋电话的历史,给那些大大小小的公司,做对外贸易业务的企业节省了一笔可观的通信费用,让沟通更容易。1997之夏,当大家喜悦地享受着IP电话带来的便利之时,吉通公司作为首批试验IP电话的三家企业之一,自然成为人们关注的对象。为此,笔者专门采访了吉通公司上海分公司的总经理封国荣先生。 记者:封总,吉通IP电话卡目前已经脱销,吉通公司首批IP电话卡发行量是多少?吉通公司采用什么方式销售的?
For the first time, an IP phone is used to call an old friend who has seen the end of the United States for many years by using a Jitong IP phone card. For many years, my classmates and friends have not dared to try out expensive overseas calls even though they are far away from the world. Because I did not tell each other this is an IP phone, the students did not feel any difference with the ordinary phone, happy, worried: “This is the overseas phone, very expensive, expensive!” Call five minutes, spend Only 20 yuan, I feel still acceptable. If it is a traditional phone, calls need about 80 yuan, and indeed people can not easily care about. IP telephony has ended the history of ordinary Chinese people being afraid to consume overseas calls, saving companies that are large and small and doing foreign trade business a considerable amount of communication costs and making communication easier. In the summer of 1997, as we all enjoyed the convenience brought by IP telephones, as one of the first three companies to experiment with IP telephony, Jitong Group naturally became the object of attention. To this end, I specifically interviewed the general manager of Jitong Company Shanghai Branch, Mr. Fengguo. Reporter: Feng total, Jitong IP phone card is now out of stock, the first batch of Jitong IP phone card circulation is how much? Jitong company what way to sell?