克罗米芬枸橼酸盐(CC)可便55%~99%排卵稀少或无排卵妇女诱发排卵,但妊娠率仅为24.8%~42.8%,排卵率与妊娠率之间悬殊。有些学者归因为 CC 对某些妇女的宫颈粘液腺有直接抗雌素作用,导致宫颈粘液粘稠,不利于精子穿透及存活。有些作者对此有争论。为了进一步阐述 CC对围绕排卵期宫颈粘液的作用,本文逐日记录49例,年在25~41岁,有排卵周期的不孕妇女的宫颈粘液评分,并测定血清雌二醇(E_2)浓度,观察其间的关连。
Clomiphene citrate (CC) can be 55% ~ 99% of sporadic ovulation or anovulation induced ovulation, but the pregnancy rate was only 24.8% ~ 42.8%, ovulation rate and the disparity between pregnancy rates. Some scholars attributed to CC for some women’s cervical mucus gland has a direct anti-estrogen effect, leading to viscous cervical mucus, is not conducive to sperm penetration and survival. Some authors argue about it. In order to further clarify the role of CC in cervical mucus around ovulation, 49 mucosal scores of cervical mucosa of infertile women aged 25-41 years with ovulation cycle were recorded daily. Serum estradiol (E2) levels were measured and observed. The connection between.