作为口岸卫生检疫核心能力建设的重要环节,卫生检疫实验室在历次传染病疫情防控中发挥了重要的技术支撑作用.2009年甲型H1N1流感疫情席卷全球之时,检验检疫系统中具备病原体检测能力的实验室很少,广东出入境检验检疫局检验检疫技术中心卫生检疫实验室充分发挥了自身强大的科技优势,成功地检出国境口岸首例甲型H1N1流感病例(广东地区首例,全国第4例).历经中东呼吸综合征、人感染高致病性H7N9禽流感、埃博拉病毒病、寨卡热、黄热病、裂谷热疫情,检验检疫系统已逐渐形成由点到面、日益严密的口岸传染病检测体系,越来越多的口岸卫生检疫实验室检出了多种重要病例.在新的历史条件下,卫生检疫实验室应更专业化、规范化并突出严谨性,更好地为卫生检疫提供技术支持.“,”As one of the most important part of core capacitis of China frontier ports,health quarantine laboratories played an increasingly important role in infectious disease prevention and control.In 2009,when the epidemic of Influenza A H1N1 spread all over the world,few laboratories had the ability to detect the virus at ports.Health quarantine laboratory (BSL-3 Laboratory) of Guangdong Inspection and Quarantine Technology Center detected the first case of Influenza A H1N1 at port successfully.Through the epidemic of MERS,Avian Influenza H7N9,Ebola virus disease,Zika virus disease,Yellow fever,Valley rift et al fever,a network of infectious disease prevention and control had been established at ports of China.In the past several years,health quarantine laboratories made a great progress and many kinds of infectious disease cases were found.Health quarantine laboratories need to be more specialized,standardized and rigorous under the new situation,to support the development of health quarantine.