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当代丹麦诗歌真正发展起来,是在二战以后。两次世界大战带来的幻灭感,以及欧洲其它国家诗歌的影响,促使丹麦诗歌从陈旧的诗风中解脱出来:诗不再是一种宗教,它已发展成为一种诗人用来谈论新事物的新方式。二十年代至三十年代的丹麦诗作,很少反映当时的社会背景。谢德和较为年轻的曼奇—皮特森,属于这一阶段。后者的诗风近于前者,但后者的诗出于个性解放,常带有革命色彩,并颂扬原始人。四十年代有代表性的诗人之一是萨尔维格。他的作品主要是围绕一个由自己虚构的世界展开,来探讨现代人和神秘人的内部发展史。五十年代末至六十年代初,出现了一代反对将现实具体化的诗人。布兰特便是其中之一。他们的诗风更加开放,诗也变得晦涩起来。在六十年代末的丹麦诗坛,克里斯坦森占有重要地位。她的诗歌创作,受到了现代语言学的启发。这一时期还有诺德布兰德。他吸收了东西方文化,使自己的诗歌拥有了独特的风格。当今丹麦的主要诗人,算是拉尔森了。不同于她以前的诗歌作品,她的作品从封闭走向开放,歌唱人间的光明。当代丹麦诗歌,是和整个欧洲乃至世界诗歌紧紧相连的。丹麦诗人既能继承本国文化的精华,又能借鉴它国的文化。我们这里所翻译的当代丹麦诗选,是尽量按照当代丹麦诗歌的发展历史,诗人在不同阶段的地位,和其作品的代表性所选择的。但出于篇幅有限,一些较长的优秀诗作未能入选;一些在中国已经有过介绍的诗人及作品,也不再选入。本期中的“当代丹麦诗选”是根据美国TWAYNE出版社一九七七年出版的诗集《当代丹麦诗歌》所译。在此热情感谢丹麦驻中国大使馆为本刊提供此书。 Contemporary Danish poetry really developed, it is after World War II. The disillusionment brought about by the two world wars and the influence of poetry in other European countries prompted Danish poetry to be freed from the old poetry: poetry is no longer a religion, it has evolved into a poet used to talk about new things New way. The Danish poems from the 1920s to the 1930s rarely reflect the social context of the time. Shedd and the youngest Manchurch-Peterson belonged to this stage. The poetic style of the latter is similar to that of the former, but the poem of the latter is liberated from the individuality and often carries the revolutionary color and praises the primitive people. One of the representative poets of the 1940s was Salvig. His works mainly focus on an imaginary world by himself to explore the internal development history of modern people and mysterious people. From the late fifties to the early sixties, there appeared a generation of poets who opposed the concrete realization of the reality. Brent is one of them. Their style of poetry is more open, poetry has become obscure. In the late 1960s, the Danish poet, Christensen occupies an important position. Her poetic creation has been inspired by modern linguistics. Nordebrand was also in this period. He absorbed the Eastern and Western culture, so that his poetry has a unique style. The main Danish poet today is Larsen. Different from her previous poetry works, her works from closed to open, singing the light of the world. Contemporary Danish poetry is closely linked with poetry throughout Europe and the world. Danish poets can not only inherit the essence of their own culture, but also learn from other countries’ cultures. The contemporary Danish poetry translation we have translated here is based on the history of contemporary Danish poetry as far as possible, the poet’s status at various stages and the representativeness of his work. However, due to limited space, some of the longer outstanding poets failed to be selected. Some of the poets and works already introduced in China are no longer selected. This issue of Contemporary Danish Poetry is based on a collection of contemporary Danish poetry, published in 1977 by the TWAYNE Press in the United States. In this warm thanks to the Danish Embassy in China for the publication of this book.
自从 H_2受体拮抗剂问世以来,卓-艾氏综合征(ZES)的外科治疗在很大程度上有了变化。一些作者认为,剖腹探查术只适用于药物治疗无效者、或术前检查已证实肿瘤者。然而,新近许
<正> 日本著名文艺评论家篠田一士,前不久将他近8年来发表在报刊上的文艺评论汇集成书出版,书名叫《来自创作现场的报告》。该书堪称80年代日本文学的鸟瞰图。 篠田一士表示:“文艺评论主要应该是写给读者看的。我希望读者读了我给他们介绍的作品以后,不至于感到多浪费时间。我不光写小说评论,
许多乳腺癌患者细胞 DNA 含量异常,应用整体微密度测量(计算静止细胞)研究证明,二倍体癌肿的预后比非整倍体肿瘤为好。作者对354例女性原发乳腺癌手术患者,用细胞流量计数来