广岛GUANGDAO专为浪漫婚礼设计的丝带教堂日本新生代建筑师中村拓志(Hiroshi Nakamura)在日本广岛设计了一个浪漫的婚礼教堂Ribbon Chapel,该项目位于濑户内海奢华的度假胜地。教堂四面皆为玻璃,以丝带为创作灵感的纯白色双层阶梯呈螺旋状环绕整个教堂,顶部作为一个观景平台,可俯瞰濑户内海。教堂专为婚礼所设计,两个螺旋楼梯相互交错,新郎、新娘从不同的楼梯出发,缓缓向上,最后在15.4米高的顶部相遇,象征着两个生命和家庭围绕着一个中心携手、共
Hiroshima, Hiroshima GUANGDAO Ribbon Church Designed for Romantic Weddings Japanese freshman architect Hiroshi Nakamura designed a romantic wedding chapel, Ribbon Chapel, in Hiroshima, Japan, in a luxurious resort in the Seto Inland Sea. The church is surrounded by glass and the pure white double-decker, inspired by the ribbon, spirals around the church, with the top as a viewing platform overlooking the Seto Inland Sea. The church was designed for the wedding and the two spiral staircases are intertwined. The grooms, the bride, set out from different staircases and slowly climbed up to meet at the top of the 15.4-meter-high symbol of the two lives and the family working together around a center