一、经营决策的概念和作用 1.经营决策的概念所谓决策,传统的理解就是判断、选择和决定。也就是对未来的行为确定目标,并从两个以上的可行方案中选择一个合理方案的分析判断过程。所谓经营决策,是指种子公司经营管理方面的决策活动。从狭义上讲,是在种子公司的经营管理活动中,决策人在可以达到同一目标的多种可行的方案中,选定一种最优方案。从广义上讲,除包括选择合理决策方案以外,还包括在作出最后选择之前必须进行的一切活动。决策不是一种任意的取舍,而是通过分析研究,权衡轻重缓急、利弊以后作出的理性选择。
First, the concept and role of business decision-making 1. The concept of business decision-making So-called decision-making, the traditional understanding is to judge, choose and decide. That is, to determine the future behavior of the target, and from more than two feasible options to choose a reasonable program analysis and judgment process. The so-called business decision-making, refers to the decision-making activities of the seed company management. In a narrow sense, in the operation and management activities of seed companies, decision makers choose an optimal solution from a variety of feasible solutions that can achieve the same goal. In a broad sense, it includes everything that must be done before making the final choice, in addition to choosing a sound decision-making plan. Decision-making is not an arbitrary choice, but a rational choice made through analysis and research, trade-offs, and pros and cons.