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一、主要特点 以山东农业大学教授张启沛先生为组长,由来自全国13个单位的知名专家组成的鉴评委员会,通过对庆农三号生产示范田和室内考察,鉴评结论如下: 庆农三号西瓜早熟、优质、外观美,综合性状优于京欣一号,但又不同于京欣一号。该品种植株生长势中等,抗病能力强,耐低温,易坐果,坐瓜后经24天成熟。果实高圆形。果肉红色,质脆多汁,纤维少,果心可溶性固形物含量一般在12.5%,边部8%~9%,皮薄而韧,耐贮运,平均单瓜重4公斤左右,最大可达7.5公斤,667平方米一般产量4000公斤,高者达5000公斤。 First, the main features Shandong Agricultural University Professor Zhang Qipei as a leader, from the country’s 13 units of well-known expert appraisal committee, through the demonstration of Qingnong 3 demonstration field and indoor inspection, evaluation concluded as follows: Qingnong Three watermelon precocious, high-quality, appearance of the United States, the comprehensive trait is better than Beijing Xin, but different from the Beijing Xin one. The varieties of plant growth potential, disease resistance, low temperature, easy to sit, sit melon after 24 days of maturity. Fruit tall round. The flesh is red, crisp and juicy with little fiber. The content of soluble solids in fruit heart is generally 12.5% ​​and the edge is 8% ~ 9%. The skin is thin and tough, resistant to storage and transportation. The average single melon weight is about 4 kg and the maximum is 7.5 kg , 667 square meters general output 4000 kilograms, the highest of 5000 kilograms.
不少日本人把日中贸易对日本经济带动作用称之为“中国特需”。那么日本人所津津乐道的“中国特需”是对中国有利,还是对日本有利,或者对中、日双方互惠互利? Many Japanese
所谓苹果“配偶”,就是在一个苹果园内 ,要配置一定数量、一定品种的授粉树 ,以保证授粉良好 ,达到果多质优的目的。据调查 ,目前很多地方的苹果没有栽植授粉树 ,特别是一些
1 调节播种期:根据当地的气候条件,适当提前或延后播种,使坐瓜期避开阴雨季节,以利授粉受精,从而提高坐瓜率。 2 人工辅助授粉:主蔓第二、三雌花开放期间,在盛花期晴天的早
一、豫园冬花240天 耐寒性强,栽培技术简单,投资少,效益明显,是改善春淡供应和春菜北运外销的理想品种。生育期240天左右,生长健壮,花球大而白,品质优良,是我国越冬菜中一个