什么是幸福 ?有人说,有钱就是幸福;有人说,健康就是幸福;有人说,家庭和睦就是幸福;有人说,吃亏也是福。诗人歌德曾经说过:人们把那些孜孜不倦地聚敛财富的人当成傻瓜,其实是错误的,因为对于一个从不间断地追求中体验到快乐的人,创造本身就是一种幸福。这是我们工会?
Some people say that having money is happiness. Some people say that health is happiness. Some people say that family harmony is happiness. Some people say that loss is also a blessing. The poet Goethe once said that it is a mistake to regard those who tirelessly amass wealth as fools, for it is a blessing to create itself for a person who experiences happiness through constant pursuit. This is our union?