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山西省位于华北西部,黄土高原东部,是中华民族最早的发祥地之一,保存有丰富的历史文物和遗址,被誉为“中国古代建筑的宝库”。在山西晋中一带,大量明、清时期的民居建筑——晋商宅院及晋商大院及其所反映出来晋商古典园林文化,是山西人文景观中独树一帜的重要组成部分,这样反映特定的历史时期特定地域的宅院晋商文化,是永不磨灭的中华民族的重要文化现象。人们走在晋中的大街小巷中,依然能看到有着浓郁山西风情的晋商宅院,规模宏大、雕梁画栋、亭台楼阁、引人入胜。依然能够感悟到山西商人向往安居乐业的融情。 Shanxi Province is located in the western part of North China and the eastern part of the Loess Plateau. It is one of the earliest birthplaces of the Chinese nation. It contains rich historical relics and sites and is known as the “treasure house of ancient Chinese architecture.” In Shanxi Jinzhong area, a large number of residential buildings in the Ming and Qing dynasties - Shanxi Merchants House and Shanxi Merchants Courtyard and their reflection on the Shanxi Merchants’ classical garden culture are important components of the unique cultural landscape in Shanxi Province, thus reflecting the specific Shanxi Merchants’ culture in a particular area during the historical period is an important cultural phenomenon of the never-ending Chinese nation. People walking in the streets of Jinzhong, still able to see Shanxi has a rich style Shanxi Merchants House, large-scale, carved beams, pavilions, fascinating. Still able to perceive Shanxi businessmen yearning to live and work in peace.
童年,多么诱人的字眼儿。一看到它,那一幕幕有趣的往事便立刻浮现在我的眼前。  记得刚上一年级的一天傍晚,爸爸妈妈还都没有下班,我一个人在家看了一会儿电视,夜幕便渐渐降临了。我的肚子也开始“咕咕”地演奏起“小饿曲”——想吃饭了,可是爸爸妈妈还没回来。  我来回走走、上下跳跳,想分散一下注意力,可是肚子叫得更厉害了。唉,无可奈何之下,我捂着肚子,弯着腰,无精打采地来到了厨房,可是这里冷锅冷灶,什么吃的