正值严冬,户外飘着雪花,刮着西北风。这时节,正是年迈人最难熬的时候,然而,村北头一个四合院内的北房里,一位年近七旬的老太太却怡然自得地端坐在火炉旁,一面看电视,一面手不停地剥着前几天从三儿子家里拿回来的棉花疙瘩。 房里摆设别致,有现代化的彩电、收录机,也有古香古色的家俱,整个房间布置得古朴典雅,温馨有加,一看便知道房主人是一位吃不熬煎穿不愁,安度晚年的有福老人。这位老人全村人无不称赞,无不羡慕,都说她行善
Positive winter, floating snow outside, blowing the northwest wind. This time, it is the most difficult time for the elderly, however, a village north of a courtyard in the North House, a nearly seventy-year-old lady was sitting comfortably at the side of the stove, watching TV, hand Kept stripping a few days ago from the three sons back home cotton knots. Room furnishings chic, modern color TV, tape recorders, but also antique furniture, the whole room was simple and elegant, warm and have a look, they will know that the owner is a person to eat without worrying about fried, safe end of old age Blessed old man The entire village of the elderly all praise, all envy, said she did good