抗日战争时期,安徽先后建立了淮南、淮北、皖江3大块抗日根据地,包括55个县级抗日民主政权,总面积达8万多平方公里,人口1130余万。战斗在这里的我新四军主力部队约10 万人,因对敌斗争、经济建设和人民群众生活之需,各根据地分别建立了银行,发行了货币。一.安徽抗日根据地银行的建立与货币发行 (一)淮南抗日根据地的银行建立与货币发行淮南抗日根据地位于华中腹地、江淮之间,东临大运河,西屏大别山,南抵长江,北濒淮河,隶属苏皖边区行署领导(行署主任方毅,副主任汪道涵),下辖津浦路东和路西两个专署共18 个县。至抗战前夕,总面积已达2.1万平方公里,人口330万。
During the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression, Anhui successively established three large anti-Japanese bases in Huainan, Huaibei and Wanjiang, including 55 county-level anti-Japanese democratic regimes with a total area of over 80,000 square kilometers and a population of 11.3 million. The main force of the New Fourth Army fighting here is about 100,000 people. Due to the struggle against the enemy, economic construction and the needs of the people’s daily life, banks and banks have been established in each base area and currencies have been issued. I. Establishment of Anti-Japanese Base Banks and Currency Issue in Anhui (I) Bank Establishment and Currency Issuance in Huainan Anti-Japanese Base Areas The Huainan anti-Japanese base areas are located in the hinterland of Huazhong, between the Jianghuai area, the Grand Canal and the Xiban Dabie Mountains to the east, the Yangtze River to the south, and the Huaihe River to the north , Under the jurisdiction of Jiangsu and Anhui border administrative department (director Fang Yi, deputy director of Wang Daohan), under the jurisdiction of Jin Pu Road, East and West two agencies a total of 18 counties. To the eve of the war, the total area has reached 21,000 square kilometers, population 3.3 million.