搞好温室育秧 促进早稻增产

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早稻温室育秧,是我县文化大革命以来水稻育秧方法的新改革,也是一项重要的增产措施。1975年,稻区有5个公社8个生产队进行了早稻温室育秧示范,栽插大田12.76亩,获得队队成功,亩亩高产,平均单产859斤,比露地育秧增产17%。早稻温室育秧试验示范成功,为革新水稻品种布局,发展双三制,夺取前季稻高产,闯出了新路。1976年,在第一次全国农业学大寨会议精神鼓舞下,稻区11个公社有1400个生产队(总生产队数的90%)建温室、育秧苗,栽插大田16300 Early rice greenhouse cultivation, is the county since the Cultural Revolution rice seedling method of the new reform, but also an important measure to increase production. In 1975, there were 5 production teams in five communes in the rice area carrying out early rice greenhouse seedling demonstration and planting 12.76 mu of fields in succession. The success of the team was obtained. The yield per mu was 859 kg, an increase of 17% over the open field. Early rice greenhouse seedling cultivation and demonstration success, innovation rice varieties layout, the development of double system, to seize the first quarter of high yield rice, break new ground. Inspired by the first meeting of the National Agricultural Science Dazhai Conference in 1976, there were 1,400 production teams (90% of the total production team) in 11 communes in the rice paddies built greenhouses, raised seedlings and planted Dada 16300
2000年欧洲杯后,德尚向我们告别;  2004年欧洲杯后,我们送别了德塞利;  2006年世界杯后,齐达内告别足坛;  2008年欧洲杯后,又有一位“98一代”球星离我们而去:图拉姆,与队友的离去早有准备不同,这位在世界足坛驰骋多年的铁卫表示:“我想成为巴黎圣日耳曼的小马尔蒂尼,但显然已经不可能了,很悲伤我的职业生涯以这种方式结束。”
目的:醒后卒中溶栓问题近年来受到重视,目前的研究对于醒后卒中溶栓的安全性和有效性得到的结论不一致,本次meta分析为了进一步证实醒后卒中患者溶栓的有效性和安全性。  研