1案情2002年7月28日7时 ,渑池县动物检疫站驻张村镇动物检疫员梁某在该镇生猪定点屠宰场执行检疫任务时 ,个体屠宰户杨氏兄弟俩要求梁给其未经检疫的猪肉加盖肉品检疫合格验讫印章。梁同志对其晓之以理、明之以法 ,并依法拒绝了其无理要求 ,杨氏兄弟恼羞成怒 ,强行夺
1 case At 7:00 on July 28, 2002, Liang quarantine station animal husbandry in Zhangcun Liang quarantine task in slaughterhouse designated pig slaughterhouse in the town, the individual slaughter house Yang brothers and brothers to ask for their non-quarantine Of pork stamped meat quarantine qualified seal. Comrade Liang drew his own mind on reasoning and justification, and rejected his unreasonable demands in accordance with the law. The Young brothers were furious and forcibly seized