巫是原始部落文化的执掌者 ,巫的祭祀活动是艺术的源头。巫文化是沉醉于个人性灵 ,移情于自然崇拜的酒神文化 ,它与道庄相融 ,对以长江为中轴的南方文化及社会影响尤甚 ,可将其按审美的原则开发提炼 ,服务于旅游经济。巫溪可以作为展示远古神巫文化的博物馆 ,以此带动旅游产业 ,振兴贫困地区。
Witch is the original tribal culture in charge of the witch’s sacrificial activities is the source of art. Witch culture is a Dionysian culture that is immersed in personal nature and empathizes with nature worship. Its integration with Daozhuang is particularly influential in the southern culture and society centered on the Yangtze River. It can be developed and refined according to the aesthetic principle, serving Tourism economy. Wuxi can be used as a museum to display the ancient witch culture, in order to stimulate the tourism industry and revitalize the poor areas.