大面积脑梗死是过敏性休克少见而严重的并发症,病死率极高,本院收治1例,并抢救成功。报道如下。1 病例报告 患者男,65岁。主因右侧肢体无力2天于2001年6月19日来我院就诊。患者于2天前晨起时发现右侧肢体无力、麻木,无昏迷及大小便失禁。患者既往有高血压病及糖尿病史,无药物过敏史。查体;T36.6℃,P80/min,R20/min,BP145/90mmHg(1mmHg=0.133kpa),心、肺、腹未见异常;神经系统查体:神志清,右侧鼻唇沟变浅,
Large-area cerebral infarction is a rare and severe complication of anaphylactic shock, high mortality, hospital admitted in 1 case, and rescue success. Reported as follows. 1 case report Patient male, 65 years old. Mainly due to weakness in the right limb 2 days in June 19, 2001 came to our hospital. The patient found weakness on the right limb, numbness, no coma and incontinence on the morning of 2 days. Patients with previous history of hypertension and diabetes, no history of drug allergy. Examination of the body; T36.6 ℃, P80 / min, R20 / min, BP145 / 90mmHg (1mmHg = 0.133kpa), heart, lung, abdomen no abnormalities; nervous system examination: Shenzhi Qing, right nasolabial fold shallow ,