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为整合资源以推动会展产业进一步发展,我国台湾地区在2009年起推行的“台湾会展跃升计划”执行完毕后,于2013年起推行一项为期三年的“台湾会展领航计划”(下文简称“领航计划”)的新规划。此举亦是冀望在当地政策大力支持下,持续带领会展产业走向国际化之路。打造国际化领航计划以“打造台湾会展成为优质会展服务的领航者”为愿景,以“提高会展服务品质效率,强化台湾会展品牌国际形象及国际竞争力,发展台湾成为全球会展重要目的地”为发展目标,建立“Meet Taiwan”会展品牌识别标志。同时,规划国际营销、岛内宣传、建立云端会展入口网等重点工作,与岛内外各知名会展活动一道,宣传“Meet Taiwan”识别标志,传达台湾地区会展业品牌价值,提升台湾地区会展业的国际形象。 In order to integrate resources to promote the further development of convention and exhibition industry, Taiwan’s regional promotion of Taiwan’s Convention and Exhibition was launched in 2009. After the implementation of “Taiwan Conference and Exhibition Jump Plan” was completed in 2009, a three-year pilot program of “ (Hereinafter referred to as ”Pilot Scheme“) of the new plan. The move is also hoped that with the strong support of local policies, the exhibition industry will continue to lead the way to internationalization. Creating an International Pilot Program ”To Build Taiwan MICE Becomes the Leader of Quality Exhibition Services“ as a Vision to ”Enhance the Quality and Efficiency of Exhibition Services, Strengthen the International Image and International Competitiveness of MICE Brands in Taiwan and Develop Taiwan as an Important Event for Global MICE To “” for the development of goals, the establishment of “Meet Taiwan ” exhibition brand identity mark. At the same time, planning international marketing, the island’s publicity, the establishment of the cloud exhibition entrance network and other key work, and all the major exhibition activities both inside and outside the island together to promote “Meet Taiwan ” logo, to convey the brand value of Taiwan’s MICE industry, enhance the Taiwan MICE Industry’s international image.
长效甲状腺刺激因子是一种人的针对甲状腺的自身抗体,又称刺激甲状腺免疫球蛋白(LATS or TSI)。分子量15万,经化学还原或酶消化后的多肽亚单位,其性质为短效作用。因此LATS
近年作者通过对小麦条锈病的组织病理学研究发现,组织荧光染色技术(R.Rohringer 1970)是研究锈菌与其寄主之间相互关系的较为理想的方法,现将该方法的染色程序简介如下,以供
Four groups of mice (Group Ⅰ, 8 mice immunized 3 times before challenge; GroupⅡ, 11 mice, immunized twice; Group Ⅲ, 12 mice, immunized once; Group Ⅳ, 12mic