重庆酉阳 加强灾后监管 严防污染食品流入市场

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7月9日,重庆遭遇入汛以来最强降雨袭击,作为受灾最严重的区县之一,酉阳县城273户食品经营者的店铺被淹,大量的食品被洪水浸泡污染。为保证灾后食品安全、稳定和供给,酉阳县工商局及时召开专题会议部署灾后食品安全监管工作,第一时间采取“疏”、“堵”结合的方式,严防洪水污染食品流入市场,确保灾后市场稳定,保证全县人民吃上“放心食品”。 July 9, Chongqing suffered the strongest rainfall since the floods hit, as one of the most affected counties, Youyang County 273 food store operators were flooded, a large number of food contaminated by flooding. In order to ensure post-disaster food safety, stability and supply, Youyang County AIC promptly convened a special meeting to deploy post-disaster food safety supervision and control, and for the first time adopt a combination of “sparse” and “plugging” to prevent flooding of contaminated food Market, to ensure market stability after the disaster, to ensure that people eat the county “rest assured food ”.