鲁迅美术学院,自她的前身——延安鲁迅艺术文学院建校初始,便注重成人教育,在革命战争年代,通过短期培训,造就了一大批革命文艺干部,既为民族解放运动建树了卓越的功绩,又成为新中国文艺事业的生力军。 建国后直至文革前,又通过各种形式对200多名在职美术干部进行系统的培训。至80年代后期,经国家教委特批,正式创建成人美术函授教育,它扩展了办学层次,开始较大规模地专、本两级成人学历教育,积累了较成熟的办学经验,建立了较完整的教学体系,促进了在职美术干部的知识更新,以适应时代日益提高的专业理论、知识、技术技能的需求,造就了一支较高水准的专业技术人才队伍,正完善着时代赋予的职能。
Since its predecessor, Yan’an Lu Xun Academy of Arts and Design, initially established, Lu Xun Academy of Fine Arts paid great attention to adult education. In the era of revolutionary war, through a series of short-term trainings, a large number of revolutionary literary and art cadres were created, both for the national liberation movement Merits, has become a new force of Chinese literature and art. Until the Cultural Revolution after the founding of the People’s Republic of China, more than 200 active art cadres were systematically trained in various forms. By the late 1980s, with the approval of the State Education Commission, the formal creation of art correspondence education for adults has expanded the level of running a school and started to educate adults and students of both major and junior levels on a large scale, accumulating more mature experience in running a school and establishing a relatively complete The teaching system has promoted the updating of the knowledge of art cadres in service to adapt to the ever-increasing demand for professional theories, knowledge and technical skills and has created a contingent of highly qualified professionals who are improving the functions entrusted by the times.