How to Analyze the Necessary Level of Behavioral Economics for Specific Situations

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  ◆Abstract:Nowadays,unpredictability,biases,and complexity of human thoughts have been paid more and more attention when our traditional methods or theories can not continue to explain them reasonably in economics,so trying to study behavioral economics to take into these effects involving people’s activities is very significant.Therefore,the necessary level of behavioral economics for specific situation needs to be described and evaluated reasonably.Since we will definitely consider some features related to the necessary level of behavioral economics for specific situations,the Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation Model (FCEM) can be used here to explain this necessary level greatly.
  ◆Key words:Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation Model;Necessary Level;Behavioral Economics
  In recent decades,many studies have been done by considering behavioral economics due to unpredictability.In general,our society has already tried to figure out the mechanism,theory,and trend behind every area.However,unpredictability,biases,and complexity of human thoughts have been paid more and more attention when our traditional methods or theories can not continue to explain them reasonably,especially in economics.In other words,our human beings can not simply be regarded as “rational people”.And then,we take these effects into other disciplines involving people’s activities.Therefore,behavioral economics started to play a vital role in lots of diverse aspects.Many communities are implementing behavioral economics models in an effort to consider long-range planning goals or investigate (Hofman 2011; Congdon and Shankar 2018).
  As we all know,how to describe one problem in mathematical techniques is always an important project.Actually,for some systems with fuzzy conception evaluation objects,analyzing is very complicated to give a precise expression.Besides,the necessary level of behavioral economics for specific situations is also sophisticated to be quantified for us.However,when people try to solve problems in behavioral economics,they always propose mathematical and computational techniques,such as statistical methods (Bizon 2018).Since we will definitely consider some features related to the necessary level of behavioral economics for specific situations,the Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation Model (FCEM) is really helpful here,which has been used to solve fuzzy comprehensive problems for a long period of time.
  II Assumptions
  Assume that everyone can be classified into the specified groups which will be studied as suits of evaluating the necessary level of behavioral economics.   Assume that an individual has little effect on investigating behavioral economics.
  Assume that all features used to describe the necessary level can be quantified.
  III Mathematical Models
  Behavioral economics are current approaches to development that encourage a mix of considering human being’s psychological activities,theoretical rules,and practical economics.Unfortunately,lots of potential applications of behavioral economics have not been exploited.
  The FCEM can give good performance in evaluation problems,especially focusing on the social problem which should relate with lots of fuzzy features.Also,if there is one useful tool provided by FCEM which can analyze the necessary level of behavioral,it may give the high predictive power for our finance,market management,even the whole society.
  In general,only there are lots of convenient ways that people can learn relevant information for specific situations,can human being’s psychological characteristics affect the tendency of events considerably.Thus,the percentage of learning platforms for a particular event has been taken into consideration at first:
  Due to the development of psychology and economics,the complexity of analysis is a huge project.Therefore,three features have been built to evaluate the necessary level firstly,which can be regarded as introductory thoughts.At this moment,even though only three features have been studied firstly,the more important and reasonable thing is to obtain more inspiration about how to invent more relevant features.And then,more and more features will be defined and invented to improve this technique to develop faster ways to obtain more accurate necessary level.After improving our features and model themselves,we might be able to predict the future tendency of specific situations based on investigating previous events by using these techniques.To find the most relevant features,several errors can be used in the future to see how our features work well,such as the root mean square errors and standard deviations.If these methods can work well,more potential applications would be able to be exploited.
  [1]Hofman,Rados?aw.Behavioral Economics in Software Quality Engineering[J].Empirical Software Engineering,2011,16(2):278–93.
  [2]Congdon,William J.and Maya Shankar.The Role of Behavioral Economics in Evidence-Based Policymaking[J].Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science,2018,678(1):81–92.
  [3]Bizon,Wojciech.“Tell Them It’s Easy”:Framing Incentives in Learning Basic Statistical Problems[J].Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics,2018,76:76–81.
摘 要:大气污染治理问题受到了政府和公众的广泛关注,然而传统研究并未对政府、公众行为和大气污染治理之间的关系予以足够重视。文章构建了一个制度软化、公众认同与大气污染治理之间的理论模型并提出研究假说,采用SuperSBM模型对我国各省份大气污染治理效率进行测算,通过构建面板分位数模型对研究假说进行经验论证,得到以下结论:首先,大气污染治理效率测算结果表明,研究期内我国大气污染治理效率的省际格局变化不
摘 要:园林是我国重要的景观建设,它不断能够美化环节,还能够创造很多经济价值,园林养护,是针对园林中各个景观所进行的保养和维护工作,而精细化管理在园林养护工作中的有效实施,能够使园林的植物得到有效的保护,延长其生长周期,以达到完善园林景观整体性的目的,文章从园林精细化管理工作的内容进行了分析,进而阐述了园林养护中精细化管理对园林景观的影响。  关键词:园林养护;精细化管理;园林景观  一、引言  
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