辛亥革命已经八十周年了。孙中山领导的这次伟大的资产阶级革命,推翻了长达两千多年封建帝制,建立了民主共和政体。其伟大功绩,永留青史,它留下的宝贵财富,永远启示着后人。 一 辛亥革命的历史事实告诉我们:在半殖民地半封建社会的中国,“在强大的帝国主义和封建势力双重压迫下,软弱的民族资产阶级不可能领导革命取得成功”。究其原因有三:
The 1911 Revolution is already eightieth anniversary. This great bourgeois revolution led by Sun Yat-sen overthrew the two thousand years of feudal monarchy and established a democratic republican polity. Its great achievements, the everlasting history, it left the precious wealth, always inspire future generations. The historical fact of the Revolution of 1911 tells us: In a semi-colonial and semi-feudal society in China, “under the dual oppression of mighty imperialism and feudal forces, it is impossible for the weak national bourgeoisie to lead the revolution to success.” There are three reasons for this: