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我省素以矿产资源丰富和冶金生产历史悠久而驰名。解放前,由于地主、官僚资产阶級和帝国主义的长期統治,对矿山采取掠夺式的生产,只采不探,以致几个举世知名的大型矿山,有的早已停止生产,有的虽在生产,也是百孔千疮,朝不保夕。国民党反动政府虽成立过由十来个地質人员和三部破鑽机組成的云南地質调查机构,目的並不在于弄清資源,只是作为装飾門面,欺騙人民,籠络人心的工具。有的技术八员由于受帝国主义学者所謂“中国缺乏某些重要矿产”的謬論支配,普遍認为中国是“地大而物不博”“有名无实”,“前途不大”,抱着悲观消极的态度。虽有一些技术人员与此相反,但因得不到支持,也只好各憑自己的爱好,孤独地奋斗,漫无目的地进行地質调查,东拼西湊地做成几份支离破碎的地質图。虽有一定价值,但与新中国飞跃的工业建設要求相比, Our province is famous for its rich mineral resources and long history of metallurgical production. Before the liberation, because of the long-term rule of the landlords, the bureaucratic bourgeoisie and the imperialists, the predatory production of mines was exploited without any exploration. As a result, some large and well-known large-scale mines were already ceased to exist, It is also a hundred holes, precarious. Although the Kuomintang reactionary government established the Yunnan Geological Survey, a body of dozens of geological workers and three broken drilling rigs, the purpose is not to find out the resources but to use it as a tool to decorate the facade and deceive the people and win over the people. Some of the eight technicians are generally dominated by the absurd theory of what imperialist scholars call “China’s lack of some important minerals,” and generally believe that China is “totally unknown” and “not very promising” Attitude. Some technicians, on the other hand, did not get support because of their lack of support. They had to struggle alone and carry out geological investigation without any intention of making patches of fragmented geological maps. Although a certain value, but compared with the leap of new China’s industrial construction requirements,
低温敏核不育系培矮64 S、 L S2 S 在19 ~22 ℃井水串灌〈淹没生长点〉条件下自交结实率分别达35 .5 % 和37 .0 % 。串联时期为第二次枝梗分化期和减数分裂期,历经15 天。以井水为“冷源”串灌繁种技术
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