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进入雨季,易县城东门墩山下,桥头乡麻屋庄的老老少少又投入了退耕还林的战斗中。紧靠112国道的麻屋庄是个产粮大村,全村2300多口人拥有2000亩耕地,是全乡乃至全县数得着的富裕村。今年初,县委、县政府关于退耕还林的号令一提出,以村支书王俊江为首的两委一班人通过学文件、算细账、到外地参观学习,很快达成共识,果断做出将全村耕地全部退耕还林的决定。一石激起千层浪。退耕还林是利国利民、帮民致富增收的一件大好事,而要让世世代代视土地为命根子的百姓把好端端的耕地退出来,在齐刷刷的麦田里挖坑种树又谈何容易?为打通村民的思想,转变群众的传统观念,从而积极投身于退耕还林这场土地革命中来,村里没有强行命令,而是把政策交给群众,细做工作。支书、村主任带队,组织带领村民代表和思想保守的部分群众,先后到林果先进乡独乐、林药间作先进乡坡仓等地参观学习,开眼界、换脑筋,解放思想。在此基础上,又相继召开党员会、村民代表会、群众会,广泛讲行思想发动,通过讲政策、摆前景、算 Into the rainy season, the county under the East Gate Pier, Qiaotou Township Ma Zhuang Zhuang young and old and put into the fight returning farmland to forest. Close to 112 National Road Ma House Zhuang is a grain-producing village, the village of more than 2,300 people have 2000 acres of arable land, is the county and the county countless wealthy village. Earlier this year, the county party committee and government on the order of returning farmland to forest proposed that the two committees headed by Wang Zhijiang, secretary of the village party branch, learn to file and count the fine accounts and visit and study abroad so as to reach a consensus soon and make a decisive decision The decision of converting all cultivated land into farmland. A stone aroused Melaleuca waves. Returning farmland to forests is a good thing that helps the country benefit the people and help the people get rich and increase their incomes. Instead, people from generation to generation who take the root of their land should withdraw their cultivated land so that they can dig their own trees To ease up the villagers’ ideas and change the traditional values ​​of the masses so as to actively participate in the agrarian reform that returned farmland to forestry, there was no compulsory order in the village. Instead, the policy was handed over to the masses and meticulous in their work. Party branch secretary and village director led the villagers’ representatives and some conservative people in the ideological field. They successively went to the advanced rural township of Luguo and the forest pharmacy to make advanced rural slope warehouses and other places to visit and study. They opened their eyes and minds and emancipated their minds. On this basis, they held one after another the party committees, villagers’ representatives, mass meetings, and extensive deeds of thinking and mobilization. By speaking policies and posing prospects,
2007年3月25日,欧盟27个成员国首脑聚集德国柏林,举杯欢庆欧洲联盟50华诞。欧洲统一的构想早在17世纪便已萌动。而欧洲大陆上此起彼伏的战火,尤其是两次世 On March 25, 200
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