1.前言自上一个世纪 J.克尔效应发现后,人们对电场与光学性能各向同性的材料作用而引起的感应双折射在光调制器、反射器和光闸装置中的应用进行了广泛研究。采用脉冲电场技术的克尔效应实验测量装置主要以采用氢闸流管和能够连续或不连续低
1. Introduction Since the discovery of the J. Kerr effect of the last century, extensive research has been conducted on the application of induced birefringence in light modulators, reflectors and shutter devices due to the action of isotropic materials with electric and optical properties . The Kerr effect experimental measurement device using pulsed electric field technology mainly adopts a thyristor and can be continuous or discontinuous low