引进中低温型香菇品种168进行种植示范,通过采取科学的配套管理措施,获得了较高的产量和较好的经济效益。每667 m2获得纯效益2.3万元,较当地主栽品种平均增产10.0%以上,增收幅度达到27.8%,为该品种在北京市通州区大规模推广应用提供了科学依据。
The introduction of medium and low temperature mushroom varieties 168 for planting demonstration, through the adoption of scientific management measures to obtain a higher yield and better economic benefits. Each of 667 m2 obtained a net benefit of 23000 yuan, compared with the local cultivars an average increase of 10.0% or more, the increase rate of 27.8% for the variety in Tongzhou District, Beijing large-scale application of science provides a scientific basis.