在教学中 ,常见有学生在作业、试卷考试中将原生质与原生质层、细胞液与细胞内液混淆不清 ,结果闹出张冠李戴的笑话。笔者在此作以下辨析。1 原生质与原生质层 原生质 : 原意是指有生命的原始物质或基本物质。来历早在 184 1年法国动物学家杜嘉尔迪 (Du jardin)将
In teaching, it is common for students to confuse the protoplasm with the protoplasm, the cell fluid, and the intracellular fluid in the homework and test paper examinations. The result is a joke in Zhang Guan and Li Dai. The author makes the following analysis. 1 The protoplasm and the protoplasm The protoplasm : The intent means the original material or the basic material that has life. The history came as early as 1841, the French zoologist Du jardin will