第一任港督 璞鼎查爵士 1842年(清宣宗道光二十二年)8月29日,清廷全权大臣耆英、伊里布与砵甸乍爵士(又译璞鼎查)在停泊于南京(清为江宁府治)附近的英舰‘康华立司号’(Corwallis)上签订“南京条约”(又称“江宁条约”),全文十三条,第三条为:今大清皇帝准将香港一岛给予英国君主暨嗣后世袭主位者,常远主掌,任便立法治理。 1843年5月4日,英国维多利亚女皇(QueenVictoria)签署“香港宪章”(通称“香港授命状”、“委任状”,即就职文件),宣布香港正式成为英国殖民地,委派砵甸乍爵士为第一任总督,受命于英国殖民地部(即理藩院);6月26日,砵甸乍爵士宣誓就职,港督同时是香港驻军总司令(在1859年之前总督同时兼任英国驻华全权公使、英国驻华商务总监两职,是时全港居民只有一万五千人,欧籍人士不足一千。
The First Governor of Hong Kong, Judge Sep. 1842 (Qing Emperor Xuan Guang twenty-two years) On August 29, the Supreme Court of the Qing Dynasty Senior Citizens, Irish and Burbank Austin Jazz (also translated Pu Ting check) parked in Nanjing (Qing Jiang Ning Fuzhi) near the British ship ’Kang Hua Li Li Secretary’ (Corwallis) signed the “Treaty of Nanjing” (also known as “Jiangning Treaty”), the full text of article 13, the third is: An island given to the British monarch and subsequent hereditary protagonist, often dominated by the Legislative Yuan, any legislative. On May 4, 1843, Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom signed the “Hong Kong Charter” (commonly known as “Hong Kong Appointment Form” or “Appointment Form”), declaring that Hong Kong was officially a British colony and that Sir David Diaz was the Governor of the United Kingdom, was appointed governor of the British colonies (ie Rachel Court); on June 26, Sir Gordian Mohamad was sworn in. Governor Governor is also commander in chief of the Hong Kong Garrison (before 1859, the Governor also served as British Ambassador to China, The post of British Commercial Director in China is as high as 15,000 in Hong Kong and less than 1,000 in Europe.