一、集中供热概况西德的集中供热起于一百年前,但是发展较快阶段是在五十年代后(参看图1),主要用于城市住宅及其它公共建筑的采暖用热和生活热水供应。根据西德热协会(AGFW)1981年12月31日的统计材料;1981年全西德用于集中供热的热电站117座,区域锅炉房438座。年供热量为418×10~(12)kcal,总供热容量为291 63MW(折合25080Mkcal/h,相当
I. Centralized heat distribution Centralized heat supply in West Germany began a hundred years ago, but the rapid development phase was after the 1950s (see Figure 1). It is mainly used for heating and heating in urban dwellings and other public buildings. Domestic hot water supply. According to the statistical material of the German German Thermal Association (AGFW) on December 31, 1981, there were 117 thermal power stations for district heating in 1981 and 438 regional boiler rooms. The annual heating capacity is 418×10~12 kcal, and the total heating capacity is 291 63MW (equivalent to 25080 Mkcal/h, equivalent