八里庄杨,是泰安县八里庄苗圃选出的小叶杨和美杨的自然杂交种。我县从1966年引种,经几年来的实践证明,八里庄杨适应性强,病虫害少,优质速生。如县第一苗圃在路旁栽植的8年生八里庄杨,树高16米,胸径34厘米;县公安局院内栽植的2年生,树高8米,胸径12厘米;伏山公社陶邵大队栽植的4年生,树高14米,胸径19厘米。群众反映说:“栽上八里杨,三年能作檩,五年能当梁。”八里庄杨的主要特点是: 生长快在同样立地条件和管理措施下,八里庄杨比加杨生长快近1倍。如4年生八里庄杨高12米,胸径11.7厘米,而同龄加杨高仅有8米,胸径5.5厘米。
Balizhuang Yang, is the natural hybrids of Populus simonii and Populus simonii selected by Balizhuang Nursery in Tai’an County. The county introduced from 1966, after several years of practice has proved Balizhuang Yang adaptability, less pests and diseases, high-quality fast-growing. For example, the 8-year-old Balizhuang Yang, an 8-year-old tree grown on the roadside by the first nursery in the county, has a height of 16 meters and a diameter of 34 cm. The 2-year old tree planted by the county public security bureau has a height of 8 meters and a diameter of 12 cm. 4 years old, tree height 14 meters, 19 cm in diameter. The masses said: “planted Bali Yang, three years can be 檩, five years can be beam.” Baliu Zhuang Yang’s main features are: fast growth in the same site conditions and management measures, Balizhuang Yang than Yang grow faster Nearly doubled Such as 4-year-old Balizhuang Yang 12 meters high, diameter 11.7 cm, while the same age plus Yang high only 8 meters, diameter 5.5 cm.