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在湿发前,首先应用大齿木梳将头发从发根到发梢都梳通,否则,在洗发的过程中,头发就易缠绕打结,如果强制地拉扯头发,就会造成头发人为地脱落。梳头的方法也有讲究,不要从发根直接梳起,而应从靠近发端处开始梳,先将发端头发打结的地方梳通,再逐渐向上顺着发根到发端的方向梳理头发,直到最后由发根梳至发梢。洗发前还应该调整水温,适应的水温是在30~50℃之间,太烫了容易损伤发质,太冷了又无法彻底清洗头发上的污垢。 正确的方式是在湿发后,先将适量洗发水倒在手中,轻搓一下,再抹到头发上。洗头的重点应是分泌油脂的头皮,用手指肚轻轻按摩头发。用洗发水洗完后应该用清水彻底清 Before damp hair, the first application of a large tooth comb to hair from hair roots to hair tips are combed, otherwise, in the process of shampoo, the hair is easy to wrap knot, if forced to pull the hair, it will cause the hair to be To fall off. Do not pay attention to the method of combing hair, do not comb directly from the hair root, but should start from near the beginning hair comb, hair hair knot first combed through, and then gradually up hair roots to hair direction hair comb, until finally Hair root comb to the hair. Shampoo should also be adjusted before the water temperature to adapt to the water temperature is between 30 ~ 50 ℃, too hot and easy to damage the hair, too cold and can not thoroughly clean the hair dirt. The right way is to wet the hair, the first amount of shampoo poured in your hands, light rub, then wipe the hair. Shampoo should focus on the secretion of fat scalp, gently massage the hair with your fingers belly. After washing with shampoo should be thoroughly cleared with water