“风雅”一词是中国古代文人墨客论及的事物,如今似乎“风雅”和现代人们时尚的观念沾不上多大边儿。 古代将诗词骈赋、舞文弄墨以及戏曲和收藏视为风雅,后来这些文人墨客对当时家具的风格与审美也提出了自己的观点,他们以自己的审美情趣来探讨家具,强调“雅”,宣扬和提倡家具
The term “elegant elegance” is something that ancient Chinese literati talked about. Nowadays, it seems that “elegance” and the modern concept of fashion do not catch much edge. In ancient times, the poetic poems, dramas, dramas and dramas and collections were regarded as elegant elegance. Later, these literary figures also put forward their own views on the style and aesthetic of the furniture at that time. They used their aesthetic taste to explore furniture, emphasize elegantness, Promote furniture