一 1981年5月是法国战后历史上的一个重要转折期:当时社会党第一书记密特朗,在总统选举中,以绝对多数击败了前总统吉斯卡尔.德斯坦而当选,结束了战后23年来右派执政的历史。 密特朗执政后,为了履行其竞选诺言,实现社会党的长期战略目标——“法国式社会主义”,一方面从中长期目标着眼,进行了一系列的社会经济结构改革。其中最主要的是扩大国有化、权力下放和实行新的劳动权力法,从而扩大了国家在经济领域中的干预范围,加强
May 1981 was an important turning point in the history of France after the war: when the first Secretary of the Socialist Party, Mitterrand, was elected in the presidential election by an absolute majority and defeated the former President Guskar Destin and ended his war The history of the rightist ruling after 23 years. After Mitterrand took office, in order to fulfill his election promise and realize the long-term strategic goal of the Socialist Party, “French-style socialism,” he took a series of reforms in social and economic structure from the perspective of medium and long-term goals. The most important of these is the expansion of nationalization, the delegation of power and the introduction of a new labor rights law, which has widened the scope of state intervention in the economic field and strengthened