近几年,我国哲学史界对弗兰西斯·培根的认识论、归纳法以及关于培根的名言“知识就是力量”等主要问题研究的较多,但对培根的“人就是人的上帝”这一重要命题却很少有文章涉及。本文试对其探讨和评述。 (一) 关于人的地位、人的评价问题在西方哲学史上,特别是在文艺复兴以后占有重要的地位。这是因为,在漫长的中世纪,宗教神学占绝对统治地位,它极力抬高神,贬低人的地位
In recent years, the history of our country’s philosophies to Francis Bacon epistemology, induction and Bacon’s famous saying “knowledge is power” and other major issues to study more, but Bacon’s “man is God” this There are very few articles on an important proposition. This article tries to discuss and comment on it. (1) Regarding the status of human beings, the issue of human appraisal occupies an important position in the history of Western philosophy, especially after the Renaissance. This is because, for a long time in the Middle Ages, religious theology occupied the absolute dominion, and it tried to elevate God and belittle the position of man