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姜太公即姜子牙,名尚。史称吕尚,以其德高望重又高寿故尊称姜太公。他在中国历史上是典型的大器晚成,年逾古稀还怀才不遇,默默无闻;后来听说周文王很尊重人才,便持竿到渭水之滨终日籍垂钓修养心志,磨炼淡泊毅力;他钓鱼从来不用饵食直钓下水,正所谓“姜太公钓鱼,愿来者上钩”,传为美谈佳话。上天不负苦心人,终于在姜子牙八十岁时被周文王访贤发现,拜为当朝丞相;他更不负信任,励精图治、安邦治国,为西周奠定了基业。 姜太公以钓鱼为养生之术,他几十年如一日,只要一有空便持竿傍溪静观天水一色,他钓鱼实为形式,那有无饵直钩能钓上鱼来的道理呢,正如醉翁之意不在酒,姜太公钓鱼是假,戏鱼而已。正是在众人皆千方百 Jiang Taigong that ginger tooth, the name is still. Lv Shang said that history, with its respected and longevity, so called Jiang Taigong. He was a typical late bloomer in Chinese history. He was never seen before in ancient times, and was unknown to the public. Later, when he heard that Zhou Wen-king respected talents, he eventually took the pole to the water of Wei River to cultivate his mind and cultivate his indifference. His fishing never used bait Fishing straight into the water, is the so-called “Jiang Taigong fishing, who is willing to hook”, as the United States talked about. God did not afford painstaking efforts, and finally at the age of eighty-year-old Jiang Zhai was Zhou Wen Wang Yin discovered, thanks to the prime minister; he even more confidence, good governance, security state, laid the foundation for the Western Zhou Dynasty. Jiang Taigong to fishing for the health of the art, he decades as a day, as long as there is a free hand to look at the sky near the Milky Way Tianshui, his fishing is actually a form of bait straight hook that can catch the fish on the truth, As the meaning of drunkenness is not wine, ginger fishing is fake, play fish only. It is all in all directions
哈佛大学教授迈克尔·桑德尔(Michael J.Sandel)的《公平课》在网易公开课播出,课程由浅入深,通过和学生的深入对话一步步引导学生评判性地思考了关于公正、平等、民主与公民
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