主持人: 我为朋友打听一件事。他夜间上班时驾驶摩托车走在必经的道路上,当时正在下雨,可能视线不清,不慎撞在一辆停着的汽车上而死亡。交管部门认为这辆车没有停在允许停车的地方,死者不负主要责任,按因工死亡对待。我打电话咨询,你说不能按因工对待。劳部发[1996]266号文规定,凡交通事故伤、亡者不负主要责任的,都应按因工对待。你的咨询热线这么答复,不成了摆设了吗?
Moderator: I asked one of my friends for something. He was driving a motorbike at night on a must-go road when it was raining and could have blurred his vision and crashed into a parked car and died. Traffic control department did not think this car parked in the area where parking is allowed, the dead bear the primary responsibility, according to work-related death. I call to consult, you can not be treated according to work. Laibufa [1996] No. 266 stipulates that all traffic accidents injured, the dead bear the primary responsibility, should be treated according to work. Your reply hotline reply, not a decoration yet?