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用磷酸三丁酯作消泡剂测定挥发性盐基氮浙江省金华市卫生防疫站(321000)金良正挥发性盐基氮是动物性食品在腐败过程中蛋白质分解而产生的氨及胺类物质,是判断肉、鱼类新鲜程度的客观指标之一。国标[1]半微量定氮法在蒸馏过程中,常有大量泡沫产生(带鱼尤甚)... Determination of Volatile Base Nitrogen with Tributyl Phosphate as Antifoaming Agent Zhejiang Jinhua Sanitary and Anti-Epidemic Station (321000) Jin Liangzheng Volatile base nitrogen is the ammonia and amines produced by the decomposition of protein in animal food during the process of spoilage , Is to determine the freshness of meat, fish, one of the objective indicators. GB [1] semi-micro-nitrogen method in the distillation process, often a lot of foam (octopus especially) ...