On the occasion of the seventh anniversary of our publication in the autumn of 1998, I hereby express my gratitude to all of you for your help on behalf of the “Sino-Foreign Management” magazine and the Beijing-based business management training center in Beijing. “Chinese and foreign management” spent seven years in the spring and won the love of business friends and the support of the relevant central government departments. Without the support of readers and leaders, there is no such thing as the “independent management of China and foreign countries” today. When we see this issue of the magazine, our seventh Chinese and foreign management officials will be held in Diaoyutai State Guesthouse from 24 to 26 of this month. Leaders of the enterprises are welcome to attend the meeting. Carry out the exchange of information on the corporate situation and countermeasures in 1999. This annual meeting, not just looking forward to next year, review last year, but looking forward to a century. Therefore, it has a special meaning.