当今世界热闹非凡,时髦事一件接一件,流行风一阵跟一阵,新浪潮一浪盖一浪,社会在十分张扬地喧嚣着。人们被躁动了,人人生怕落伍,于是什么时髦说什么,什么流行干什么,什么新潮跟什么,紧撵着沸腾着,全没了冷静的思维和理智的判断。也于是,见风使舵,急功近得,心浮气躁,热闹中透着浅薄和贫乏,成为现在社会的一种倾向。 面对这种风势,我们企业的决策者该怎样把握自己的心态,该怎样决定企业的行为呢? 把握事物的本质,守住自己的方寸,不为风动,不以流随,始终以冷静的眼光看世界,以理智的分析决定企业的行为,这是我们引导企业规避风险、走向成功的关键。
The world today is very lively, and the fashion events are one by one. The popular style has been followed by a burst of waves. The wave of New Waves has made waves and the society has been clamouring with great publicity. People have been shaken, and everyone is afraid of being left behind. So what is fashionable, what is popular, what is new, and what is next is boiling, and there is no calm thinking and rational judgment. Therefore, when you saw the wind, you got eager for success, and you were very upset and hearty. There was a shallowness and lack of enthusiasm. It became a trend in today’s society. In the face of this trend, how should our corporate decision-makers grasp their own mentality and how should they determine the behavior of the enterprise? Grasp the essence of things, and defend their own dimensions, not to move, not to follow, to always calm down. Looking at the world with its eyesight and sensible analysis determines the company’s behavior. This is the key to guiding companies to avoid risks and become successful.