记录历史 展示文化 传承技艺——记圆明园正觉寺复建工程

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圆明园罹难150周年纪念日前夕,由北京市园林古建工程有限公司承担的圆明园正觉寺复建工程全面竣工(彩插图1、封底)。这是一座布局完整、规模富丽、气势恢宏的皇家寺院,更是研究圆明园清代皇家园林宗教建筑院落布局、建筑构造及工艺的珍贵实物例证。一、沉重的记录幸运获重生正觉寺建成于乾隆三十八年(1773年),是清帝圆明园附属的一座佛教寺院,全国重点文物保护单位。在我国佛寺中等级很高,具有重要地位。山门上“正觉寺”匾额,为清乾隆皇帝亲笔御书,汉、满、藏、蒙四种文字合璧。恢弘壮丽的“万园之园”圆明园,在1860年及1900年两次劫难中毁灭,正觉寺建筑群虽然唯一幸免,但灾难的影响是深重的。1933年时,大殿三圣殿已经无存。正觉寺在风雨飘摇的历史中变得体无完肤,面 On the eve of the 150th anniversary of the death of Yuanmingyuan, Zhengyuan Temple restoration project of Yuanmingyuan Park undertaken by Beijing Garden Ancient Construction Engineering Co., Ltd. was completed (Figure 1, back cover). This is a complete layout, rich scale, magnificent royal monastery, but also study the imperial gardens of the Summer Palace in Qing Dynasty royal garden layout layout, building structure and technology of precious examples. A heavy record Lucky reborn Zhengjue Temple built in Qianlong thirty-eight years (1773), the Qing emperor Yuanmingyuan is a Buddhist temple, a national key cultural relics protection units. In our country temple high level, has an important position. Mountain Gate “Zhengjue Temple ” plaque for the Qing Emperor Qianlong Royal Yu Shu, Han, Manchu, Tibetan and Mongolian four kinds of characters together. Magnificent magnificent “Park of the Garden of the Yuan Dynasty,” the Summer Palace, destroyed in two catastrophes in 1860 and 1900, Zhengjue Temple complex although the only spared, but the impact of the disaster is deep. In 1933, the sanctuary of the Basilica had disappeared. Zhengjue Temple in the precarious history become disgraced, face
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