没有哪一个市场复杂到不能够切割,没有哪一个品牌强大到不需要切割。 “这个行业太乱,不好做”。一些企业的老板、经理人找我咨询时,往往表现出无可奈何和信心不足。“不乱,还有你的机会啊?如果中国市场都像欧美那样,每个行业被三五个品牌垄断,你还能做什么?”我这样回答。乱,恰恰是中国企业家最大的机会所在!任何规范的环境都不利于个体特征的发挥,不利于后来者的快速突破。这就是为什么一些企业在中国市场,在短短10年左
No market is so complex that it cannot cut. No brand is powerful enough to cut. “This industry is too messy to do well.” When the bosses and managers of some companies asked me for advice, they often showed helplessness and lack of confidence. “If you don’t mess with your chances, if you have a monopoly in the Chinese market like Europe and America, each industry is monopolized by three or five brands. What can you do?” I answered. Chaos is precisely the greatest opportunity for Chinese entrepreneurs! Any normative environment is not conducive to the development of individual characteristics and is not conducive to rapid breakthroughs by latecomers. This is why some companies in the Chinese market have left in just 10 years