说到人的爱好,那真是千差万别。一些人爱夏天。另一些人则爱秋天。至于我个人,一年四季中我最喜欢春天。说具体一些,是爱四月。再具体一点,是四月一日。因为这一天是愚人节,每个人都可以想说什么就说什么,不受任何拘束。当然,在这一天里我得趁机好好儿开开心。因为在这之后整整一年当中都只能讲真话。今年三月三十一日,我整晚上都在打主意,想在第二天来个恶作剧。时间在不知不觉中飞逝过去,我坐着冥思苦想直到夜深人静。后来,我终于想出一个满有把握的点子,考虑得面面惧到,无懈可击,这才关了灯,准备好好睡一觉。谁知此时电话铃响了。话筒里传来一个女人的轻柔悦耳的声音: “请您叫瓦列拉接电话。”我本想回答说,我们这个单元里现在没有、过去没有、我甚至希望将来也不会有个什么瓦列拉;还想告诉她:夜里打电话本该拨准
When it comes to people’s hobbies, that’s really different. Some people love summer. Others love autumn. As for myself, I like spring most of the year. To be specific, is love April. To be more specific, April 1. Because this day is April Fool ’s Day, everyone can say whatever they want to say without any restraint. Of course, on this day I have to take the opportunity to have a good time happy children. For the whole year after that can only tell the truth. On March 31 this year, I hit my mind all night and wanted to have a prank the next day. Time flies unconsciously in the past, I sit thinking deeply until the dead of night. Later, I finally came up with a sure idea, consider the face of fear, impeccable, this turned off the lights, ready to sleep. Who knows at this time the phone rang. A gentle, sweet voice came from the microphone: “Please call Valera to answer the phone.” I would like to replied that we do not have this unit now, but not in the past, and I even hope that there will not be any watts in the future Lela; also want to tell her: call this night should dial