纳撒尼尔.霍桑(Nathaniel Hawthorne,1804~1864),是美国文学史上最伟大的小说家之一。他出生于美国马萨诸塞州塞勒姆市。霍桑大学就读于缅因州的鲍登学院,毕业后隐居故乡,专注于读书写作,蛰居长达12年之久。1837年,霍桑出版了短篇小说集《重述的故事》(Twice-ToldTales),获得了众多批评家的认可,奠定了他浪漫文学大师的文坛地位。霍桑的代表作还有《红字》(The Scarlet Letter)、《七个尖顶的阁楼》(The House of Seven Gables)和《福谷传奇》(The Blithedale Romance)等长篇小说。他擅长在小说中深入挖掘人物的内心世界,探讨人性本质。《威克菲尔德》(Wakeeld)选自其短篇小说集《重述的故事》,是其中较有影响的一篇。
Nathaniel Hawthorne (1804-1864) is one of the greatest novelists in the history of American literature. He was born in Salem, Massachusetts. Hawthorn University attended Bowdoin College in Maine, after graduating from hometown, focusing on reading and writing, dormant for 12 years. In 1837, Hawthorne published the short story collection “Twice-Told Tales”, which gained the approval of many critics and laid the literary status of his master of romantic literature. Hawthorne’s masterpieces include The Scarlet Letter, The House of Seven Gables and The Blithedale Romance. He is good at digging deep inside the characters’ inner world and exploring the nature of human nature. Wakeeld, taken from his short story “Restated Stories,” is one of the more influential.