汉斯·荷尔拜因 ( 1 4 97-1 5 4 3)是德国文艺复兴时期的伟大画家 ,与他名字相联的是他那无与伦比的纯洁观念、独具匠心的艺术手法以及炉火纯青的技艺。荷尔拜因生于奥格斯堡 ,幼年时就跟随父亲学画 ,深得精工写实的家传。 1 5 1 4~ 1 5 2 6年间 ,荷尔拜因的主要创作基本上都
Hans Holbein (1447-1 543), a great German Renaissance painter, associated with his name is his unrivaled purity, inventive artistry and blaze of skill. Holbein was born in Augsburg, as a child to learn painting with his father, won the Seiko realist family. Between 1514 and 1562, most of the main works of Holbein were made