二化螟(Chilo suppressalis)遍布于南亚、东南亚、中国、日本和南朝鲜的温带地区以及澳大利亚的北部和苏联的南部。多种杂草为其交替寄主植物。幼虫钻蛀稻杆引起枯心和白穗;一株稻杆中可能并存几头幼虫。与飞虱相比,还没有找到大量饲养二化螟的技术。迄今,虽然螟虫可以在水稻上饲养,但提出的这一技术不仅效率不高,且需要大量空间,才能产生同时供应筛选大量品种(600)的足够试虫。
Chilo suppressalis are found in temperate regions of South Asia, Southeast Asia, China, Japan and South Korea, and in northern Australia and southern Soviet Union. A variety of weeds alternate host plants. Larvae drilled rice stems cause dry heart and white ear; a rice straw may co-exist several larvae. Compared with the planthopper, have not found a large number of feeding on the technology of stem borer. So far, although stem borers can be kept on rice, the proposed technique is not only inefficient, but also requires a lot of space to produce enough worms to supply a large number of varieties (600) simultaneously.