The elements of interrogation are the basic elements of interrogation behavior and the most basic factor for the existence and conduct of interrogation activities. They are at the basic position in the interrogation theory research. Interrogation elements do not equal elements of interrogation activities. Interrogation activities as interrogators face-to-face with the trial were forced to exchange to reveal the truth of a cognitive activity, by the trial subjects, interrogation objects and the trial process of these three basic elements of organic composition. Elements of interrogation activities and interrogation elements at different levels. The former mainly deals with the basic components of several interactions in this special cognitive activity of interrogation, while the latter is the interrogation subject. The interrogation, communication and influence of interrogation objects are the objects of interrogation basis. Only in-depth study of the most basic elements of interrogation - interrogation elements in order to give scientific exposition of interrogation activities. In interrogation, interrogators are undoubtedly one entity in trial. However, we can subdivide them into three levels: trial purpose, trial strategy and interrogation elements. The purpose of the trial is the highest level, which is the guiding ideology of trial of a specific case