莫里亚克的小说背景几乎都是赤日炎炎的法国南方地区、波尔多修道院旁的小街或苍松和葡萄藤蔓掩映、百叶窗紧闭的阴森老屋;主要人物常常是妇女,性情固执而专横,狂热的心灵在单调、孤寂、闭塞的生活中遭到抑郁、窒息,至于爆发,这样就导致了一幕幕悲剧事件的发生。从他的这篇《我最遥远的记忆》(Mes plus Lointains souvenirs)里可以看到他的个性和他的许多作品的由来。他的家庭,幼年和学校生活,阅读以及周围浓烈的宗教气氛,这一切都深深影响了作家的思想感情,使他形成了自己独特的风格。莫里亚克具有法国人文主义的传统,在1936年西班牙内战时,他曾不顾天主教徒的愤怒,猛烈攻击佛朗哥政权;二战中法国沦陷期间,他毅然参加抵抗运动,1943年化名发表散文小册子《黑抄本》。1933年他被选为法兰西学院院士,1952年荣获诺贝尔文学奖。
Almost all of Mauriac’s fictional backgrounds are red hot southern France, Bordeaux monastery next to a small street or pines and grapes vines, blinds shut the gloomy house; the main characters are often women, stubborn and arbitrary , The fanatical soul was depressed and suffocated in a monotonous, solitary and occluded life. As a result, outbreaks of tragedies were caused. From his “Mes plus Lointains souvenirs” we can see his personality and the origin of many of his works. His family, his childhood and school life, his reading and the strong religious atmosphere around him deeply influenced the writer’s thoughts and feelings and made him form his own unique style. Mauriac, with its French tradition of humanism, violently attacked Franco’s regime despite the anger of Catholics during the Spanish Civil War in 1936; during World War II, France defended himself in the resistance movement during World War II, and his essay was published in 1943 Booklet “black copy.” In 1933 he was elected a Fellow of the French Academy, won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1952.