作者从肿瘤医院鼻咽癌专科门诊1400例连续鼻咽活检材料中,收集鼻咽结核23例,其中男19例,女4例。年龄由15至66岁,78.3%在35岁以下。临床症状主要是颈淋巴结肿大,其次为涕血、鼻塞、头痛、耳鸣和听力下降等。有11例曾作肺部X线檢查,其中6例呈纤维性肺结核, 5例未发现任何病灶。鼻咽受累部位以顶壁为主。病灶的肉眼形态多呈结节状,亦可呈菜花状、溃疡或粘膜粗糙等,少数可无明
The author collected 1400 cases of nasopharyngeal tuberculosis from 1,400 cases of nasopharyngeal biopsy materials in the nasopharyngeal specialist clinic of Cancer Hospital, including 19 males and 4 females. Ages 15 to 66 and 78.3% under 35. Clinical symptoms are mainly cervical lymph nodes, followed by runny nose, nasal congestion, headache, tinnitus and hearing loss and so on. There were 11 cases of lung X-ray examination, of which 6 cases were fibrous tuberculosis, 5 cases did not find any lesions. Nasopharyngeal involvement sites to the top wall. The lesions of the nodules mostly nodular, cauliflower can also be shaped, ulcers or mucosal rough, a few can be no Ming