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为研究稻草秸秆资源化利用方法,提高稻草作草坪基质的价值,通过向秸秆中添加不同比例的动物粪便、尿素和秸秆腐熟剂,测定不同腐熟处理基质的理化性质及养分淋溶情况。结果表明:尿素腐熟稻草基质的运输成本最低,动物粪便腐熟基质的保水能力较强。各资源化处理稻草基质的pH值差异不显著,有机质含量为1.7~1.9 g/kg,均高于对照。动物粪便腐熟稻草基质的各种养分含量均高于对照,尿素腐熟稻草基质的碱解氮、速效钾和全钾含量高于对照,添加秸秆腐熟剂的尿素腐熟稻草基质的全氮含量降低。资源化处理稻草基质淋溶液的pH值随草坪草生育期的推进逐渐下降,后期下降缓慢且高于对照。动物粪便腐熟的稻草基质比尿素腐熟的稻草基质抗淋溶,秸秆腐熟剂可提高猪粪腐熟的稻草基质的抗淋溶作用,但抑制尿素腐熟的稻草基质抗淋溶作用。 In order to study the method of resource utilization of straw and improve the value of straw as substrate, the physicochemical properties and nutrient leaching of different decomposed substrates were determined by adding different proportions of animal manure, urea and straw maturity to the straw. The results showed that the transportation cost of urea-matured straw was the lowest, and the moisture retention capacity of maturity of animal manure was stronger. There was no significant difference in the pH values ​​of straw substrates treated with various resources, with the organic matter content of 1.7-1.9 g / kg, both higher than the control. The nutrient contents of animal manure matured straw substrate were higher than that of the control. The content of available nitrogen and available potassium and total potassium in matured straw substrate was higher than that in the control. The total nitrogen content of urea matured straw substrate with straw maturity was decreased. The pH value of resource-treated rice substrate leaching solution decreased gradually with the growth of turfgrass and slowly decreased later than the control. The animal manure matured straw matrix is ​​more resistant to leaching than the urea matured straw matrix. The straw maturity agent can enhance the anti-leaching effect of pig manure-matured straw matrix, but inhibits the urea-matured straw matrix against leaching.
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